UK Visa and Immigration Changes 2024

visa changes

Beginning on 4th April, the UK government has unveiled substantial UK visa and immigration changes, signifying a pivotal shift in its immigration approach. Additionally, this comprehensive 5-point plan encompasses various facets, from visa restrictions to salary thresholds, and carries considerable consequences for immigrants, students, and graduates seeking to convert their visa into a skilled worker visa. As a result, we embark on an in-depth analysis of these alterations, aiming to uncover their potential impacts.

Key areas explored in this article

  • UK Visa and Immigration Changes: Restrictions on Health & Care Worker. 
  • Rising Salary Thresholds for Sponsored Workers in the UK Visa System 
  • Family Visa Sponsorship: UK Salary Requirements. 
  • UK Immigration Salary List Introduction. 
  • Graduate Route Reform & UK Visa Effects. 
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UK Visa and Immigration Changes: Restrictions for Health & Care Workers 

Firstly, the plan introduces stricter visa restrictions for health and care workers. These measures aim to ensure that only applicants meeting specific criteria can enter the UK healthcare sector. Moving forward, healthcare workers will face new restrictions, particularly concerning their ability to bring dependents to the UK. This adjustment in policy signifies that individuals arriving in the UK to work in the healthcare sector will henceforth be unable to bring their family members along. Consequently, this policy shift highlights the necessity for potential immigrants in the healthcare field to meticulously evaluate the repercussions on their personal circumstances and wellbeing.

Rising Salary Thresholds for Sponsored Workers in the UK Visa System 

Moreover, the government has chosen to increase the minimum salary threshold for sponsored workers, directly affecting the landscape of UK visa and immigration changes. The skilled worker visa minimum salary threshold is set for a significant hike, escalating from £26,200 to £38,700. In contrast, health and care visa workers will benefit from an exemption, sparing them from this heightened financial requirement. This policy adjustment necessitates higher earnings for those looking to secure or renew their UK visas. Consequently, individuals seeking sponsorship may find it challenging to meet these new financial standards, potentially influencing their ability to reside and work within the UK.

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Family Visa Sponsorship: UK Salary Requirements.

Similarly, sponsors of family visas will now encounter an increased minimum salary threshold. UK visa and immigration changes are going to make it more expensive for British citizens and people settled in the UK to bring family members over. Consequently, the amount of money they need to earn is increasing from £18,600 to £38,700. The goal here is to make sure families can take care of themselves without needing financial help from the government. So, for anyone wanting to bring relatives to the UK, it’s going to be a big challenge. They’ll need to earn a lot more to meet these new rules.

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UK Immigration Salary List Introduction. 

Replacing the Shortage Occupation List, the Immigration Salary List emerges as a new framework to guide visa applications.  Moreover, a key change involves eliminating the 20% going rate salary discount once granted to shortage occupations. Consequently, roles previously identified as in short supply will no longer enjoy relaxed salary requirements. Additionally, for prospective migrants, the allure of certain positions may diminish, as the financial incentives align closer to those of non-shortage roles.

Amidst the evolving landscape of UK immigration law, making informed decisions and adhering to stringent standards remain our most robust defence. Place your trust in Dawn Solicitors, where safeguarding your legal integrity and ensuring your security stand as our foremost commitments.

Graduate Route Reform & UK Visa Effects. 

The Graduate route is also expected to undergo revisions to align the dependant rules with those applicable to student visa holders. Additionally, the impact on current graduate visa holders warrants attention. The government’s modifications may affect their ongoing or future employment opportunities, emphasising the need for vigilant planning and adaptation to the new rules. 

Press reports reveal that No 10 has confirmed the new rules will not apply retrospectively. Instead, they will affect future renewals. Consequently, all new applications for relevant routes, like the skilled worker visa and family-sponsored visas—including renewals and extensions—must comply with the new requirements starting this Spring.

Consequently, this development understandably raises concerns among those in the UK on limited leave to remain. Especially for those not meeting the new criteria, such as the increased minimum salary threshold for family visas.

Looking for Assistance? Find Your Solution Here!

Should you require any assistance with the above changes or seek clarity, feel free to contact Dawn Solicitors directly. Alternatively, booking an appointment is a seamless process. The qualified team stands ready to assist you. They offer expert guidance and support tailored to your specific needs, ensuring you navigate these updates with confidence.



  1. What are the major changes in the UK’s visa policy starting 4th April?

Starting 4th April, the UK government has introduced significant adjustments. These include stricter health and care worker visa restrictions, increased salary thresholds for sponsored and family visa sponsors, and the replacement of the Shortage Occupation List with the Immigration Salary List. Additionally, reforms in the graduate route and implications for existing visa holders are key.

2. How will the new policy affect health and care workers?

Health and care workers will now be subject to more stringent visa restrictions, particularly the limitation on bringing dependents to the UK. Consequently, this change is designed to streamline the entry process for professionals into the healthcare sector by concentrating on the individual workers and not extending benefits to include family members.

3. How much is the skilled worker visa minimum salary threshold going to increase?

The skilled worker visa minimum salary threshold is set to rise, transitioning from £26,200 to a notable £38,700. This would not effect Health and care workers as they are exempt from this change.

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